Yes, there is such a thing as a Christian Motorcycle Club or a Christian Motorcycle Association, and the United States has plenty of them. I know I have written about the popular MC Culture, including the 1 percenters, but here is something different. The MCs promote Jesus as their cause and are founded on Christian values and principles.
Table of contents
- 1. Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club
- 2. Christian Motorcyclists Association
- 3. Bondslaves MC
- 4. Bikers for Christ (BFC)
- 5. God’s Squad CMC
- 6. Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries
- 7. Honor Bound Motorcycle Ministry
- 8. Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry
- 9. Soldiers for Jesus MC
- 10. Least of Saints MC
- 11. Prodigals Redeemed MC
- 12. Black Sheep HDFC
- 13. Sons of God MC
- 14. Christ’s Disciples MC
- 15. Ascendants MC
- 16. Racers Under the Son Motorcycle Club
- 17. Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry
- 18. Last Disciples Motorcycle Club
- 19. Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministry
- 20. Temple Riders Association
- 21. Riders for Christ CMC
1. Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club

- Founded: In 2009.
- About: Disciple CMC was founded by James Johnson. It is a mix of old-school hardcore MC and Jesus Christ. The club respects the Old School traditions established by the 1% world, but in a way that is centered on Christ and Biblical brotherhood.
Disciple Christian MC is the world’s largest and fastest-growing Christian Motorcycle Club.
The club’s mission is to disciple men to have a daily Word & prayer time & support the 1% world in prayer.
Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Email:
- Phone: (803) 399-0014
2. Christian Motorcyclists Association

- Founded: In 1975.
- About: The Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) is an international Christian non-profit organization. Its purpose is evangelizing to the motorcycling community.
CMA was started by Herb Shreve, an Arkansas pastor who purchased a motorcycle to close the generation gap with his rebellious son. He began evangelizing motorcycle rallies, and in 1975, he resigned from his church to start CMA.
Today, the organization has over 125,000 members and over 1200 chapters in all 50 states of the U.S. It also has chapters in 31 other countries.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (870) 389-6196
3. Bondslaves MC

- Founded: In 1989 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- About: Bondslaves MC is a Christian motorcycle club in North America. Bondslaves MC is a traditional club and wears a 3-Piece patch. Its members ride North American-made bikes only (i.e., Harley, Indian, and Victory.).
The club members say they love Jesus, love to ride, and have a big heart for the motorcycle community.
- Contact information:
- Website:
Details of Bondslaves MC chapters in the United States
BondSlaves MC Minneapolis Mn Chapter
- Contact information:
Minnesota Bondslaves
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
Bondslaves MC Terre Haute IN chapter
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Address: 922 Elm St, Terre Haute, IN, United States, Indiana
Bondslaves MC Decatur II chapter
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Email:
Bondslaves MC Lawrence Ks chapter
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Email:
4. Bikers for Christ (BFC)

- Founded: In August 1990 in California.
- About: Bikers For Christ is a non-denominational, international motorcycle ministry (M/M). It was founded by Pastor Fred Zariczny (A.K.A. Pastor Z or Fred Z) in California. Its international headquarters is located in Oceanside, California.
BFC members come from all walks of life, churches, vocations, callings, and backgrounds. They are passionate about God, family, bikers, and riding their motorcycles.
The mission of BFC M/M is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to those in the motorcycle world. It has over 2,300 members with chapters in 49 states, including Alaska & Hawaii & 10 countries.
In fact, Paul Crouch Jr. with the Trinity Broadcasting Network has recognized BFC as one of the largest Christian motorcycle ministries in the world.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
5. God’s Squad CMC

- Founded: In 1971 in Sydney, Australia.
- About: God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club (GSCMC) is a Christian patch club motorcycle club. The club is one of the oldest Christian backpatch clubs in the world.
The club primarily ministers among outlaw motorcycle clubs and associated groups. The club’s history is documented in its former leader, Rev. John Smith’s autobiography, On The Side Of The Angels.
As of 2020, GSCMC has chapters in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, and more. It also has one chapter in the U.S. in Michigan.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
6. Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries

- Founded: In 1984.
- About: The Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries (ToJMM) is an evangelical Christian outreach aimed at “reaching the outlaw biker world and people in all walks of life.” The ministry was founded by Ben Priest. He is also the senior pastor of River of God Church.
Members of the Tribe of Judah MM attend motorcycle events and rallies to serve and evangelize to the outlaw motorcycle community.
They ride American-made V-twin motorcycles such as Harley-Davidsons. They also wear a 3-piece back-patch similar to those worn by members of traditional outlaw motorcycle clubs.
There are more than 50 Tribe of Judah MM chapters in 19 US states. ToJMM also has chapters in Europe, Australia, and North America.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (281) 358-7770
- Address: River of God Church, PO Box 2423, Humble, TX 77347
7. Honor Bound Motorcycle Ministry

- Founded: In 2006.
- About: Honor Bound Motorcycle Ministry (HBMM) is a church-based motorcycle ministry. HBMM was originally founded by Chaplain Russ and Judy Cockrum. It is now the national motorcycle ministry of the Assemblies of God. And is open to both men and women.
HBMM requires members to take a course on how to do evangelism. Members must also be drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free before getting the HBMM patch and while keeping the one-piece patch.
The local HBMM chapter comes under the authority of the local church leadership, just as any other ministry of that church.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
8. Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry

- Founded: In February 2002 in Florida.
- About: Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry is comprised of motorcycle riders and others passionate about sharing Christ with the World.
The ministry currently has over three hundred and fifty churches in 29 different states (and two in Cuba).
Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (904) 755-1889
9. Soldiers for Jesus MC

- About: Soldiers for Jesus Motorcycle Club (SFJMC) is an International Motorcycle Club that exists to glorify God by teaching God’s Holy Word and training faithful disciples. And also testifying of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the biker and motorcycle club community.
Their name, “Soldiers for Jesus” comes from 2 Timothy 2:3 in the Bible, which says, “Endure hardship with us as like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
SFJMC has chapters across the U.S. and internationally too.
Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
10. Least of Saints MC

- About: The Least of Saints Motorcycle Club is a Christian-based non-profit organization. They dedicate their time and effort to reach out to the local communities. As a diverse group of brothers equipped with powerful testimonies, their goal is to win souls for the Kingdom.
Least of Saints MC has chapters across the U.S. The MC is very prominent in Texas, with eight chapters. It also has chapters in other countries, such as Mexico, Honduras, and New Zealand.
Contact information:
- Website:
Details of some Least of Saints MC chapters in the United States
Least of Saints MC Austin
- Contact information:
Least of Saints MC Houston
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (210) 772-8224
Least of Saints MC Southside SA
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Email:
Least of Saints MC Michigan
- Contact information:
Least of Saints MC Dos Rios chapter
- Contact information:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (712) 299-2789
- Address: Newton, IA, United States, Iowa
11. Prodigals Redeemed MC

- Founded: In 2014 in Houston, Texas.
- About: Prodigals Redeemed MC is a Houston-based Christian motorcycle club. It is a non-denominational motorcycle club. The MC is not opposed to denominations, but it believes that the over-emphasis on doctrinal differences could lead to division.
Prodigals Redeemed MC is a member of the Texas Confederation of Clubs – Region 3. And also supporters of US Defenders.
It is a traditional motorcycle club and is currently accepting new members in Texas. Currently, the MC has three chapters in Texas. They are in Houston (mother chapter), Beaumont, and El Paso.
- Contact information:
12. Black Sheep HDFC

- Founded: In 1999.
- About: Black Sheep HDFC (Harley-Davidsons for Christ) is a motorcycle ministry of men and women that ride for Jesus. And helping and serving H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) members and chapters across the country.
The ministry exists “To introduce Jesus Christ to the world of motorcycle riders, for the purpose of making more and better disciples through the ministry of the local church.
Currently, it has 60 chapters spread across 38 states in the United States, as well as other countries.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Address: P.O. Box 403409, Hesperia, CA 92340
- Phone: (951) 677-1407
13. Sons of God MC

- Founded: In 1981.
- About: The Sons of God Motorcycle Club Ministry is made up of Christian Bikers who share a vision of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ with other bikers. The primary focus of this ministry is to reach the secular MC “bikers” who have not had the opportunity to have their lives touched by Jesus Christ.
The members conduct bible studies to teach the word of God to bikers and to provide discipleship to bikers and their families. The MC also has ordained ministers who can perform biker weddings and funerals. They are also available to visit prisons, hospitals, and veteran events.
The Sons of God MC Ministry has many chapters though out the United States as well as England and Canada.
- Contact information:
14. Christ’s Disciples MC

- Founded: In December 1979; reorganized in 1995.
- About: It is a motorcycle ministry consisting of Christian men and their spouses from various God-centered evangelical churches. The ministry is home-based in Kelso, Washington.
Christ’s Disciples Inc has members in various states who are constantly involved in local and national events. They are involved in organizations such as the Motorcycle Rights Foundation, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, and the Confederation of Clubs.
- Contact information:
15. Ascendants MC

- About: Ascendants MC is a faith-based motorcycle club based in Arizona.
The club is Christ-centered and others-focused. The members are passionate about great motorcycles and building community with one another.
The club colors are wine which represents the blood of Jesus Christ, and black, which represents the club members and how they have ascended up from the darkness to live in the light of God.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
16. Racers Under the Son Motorcycle Club

- Founded: In February 1984.
- About: Founded by Mike Tarter, Racers Under The Son MC (RUTS) is a non-denominational group of Christian off-road enthusiasts.
It started as a Christian dirt bike club, supporting and participating in AMA District 37 desert racing events.
The purpose of RUTS is to be an evangelistic outreach to those who need Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The club also strives to bring revival to those who are saved.
RUTS MC members ride and camp together 6-8 times per year. The MC has active racers in the club, and they are still affiliated with D37. It has chapters in California, Nevada, and Oregon.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
17. Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry

- About: It was founded by Charles “Barry” Mayson, a former Hell’s Angels MC member.
The Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry provides a Christian brotherhood of bikers to fellowship with and minister alongside.
While the majority of members are bikers, owning a motorcycle is not a requirement to be a part of this ministry.
Heaven’s Saints members can be found all over the U.S. and in some parts of Canada. Chapters are formed once there are five members in an area. Members of local chapters work together to reach out to others in their community.
Heaven’s Saints has chapters involved in many areas of ministry, including prison ministry, youth outreach, youth detention centers, homeless shelters, rehabs, etc.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Address: Church of the Heaven’s Saints, P.O. Box 767, Murrayville, GA 30564
18. Last Disciples Motorcycle Club

- About: The Last Disciples is a traditional Motorcycle Club. It is a clan of like-minded brothers who love to ride hard and live life like there is no tomorrow!
The members worship God and ride Harley-Davidson and HD-styled other V-Twin bikes only.
Last Disciples MC reaches out to bikers, gang members, street people, at-risk youths, and those with any life-controlling addictions. They minister to those the church is afraid of.
The MC offers a strong ministry of evangelism, discipleship, education, brotherhood, and prayer. They offer help to anyone and everyone who needs it.
The members do not engage in any criminal or gang-related activity.
- Contact information:
- Website:
19. Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministry

- Founded: In August 1999.
- About: The Road Riders For Jesus is a non-denominational organization that welcomes all motorcyclists as well as non-motorcyclists.
The members seek to share the Good News of Salvation with others, especially those in the motorcycling world. The ministry’s mission is “Motorcyclists With A Mission.“
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
- Phone: (636) 285-9005
20. Temple Riders Association

- Founded: In 1988.
- About: The Temple Riders is a Mormon motorcycle club. The club comprises Christian motorcyclists who love to ride. The members also get together regularly for social activities, meals, charitable functions, and other fun and wholesome things on at least a monthly basis.
Many of its members belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But the club welcomes all riders, regardless of personal faith or religious belief.
All members must refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and profanity.
There are over 750 members in chapters across 17 states and a few countries.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
21. Riders for Christ CMC

- About: The MC aims to promote fellowship with Christian motorcycle enthusiasts.
It also aims to build bridges to unchurched motorcycle riders and to bring glory to Jesus Christ through various Rides, Cruise-Ins, and other projects in the local community and world.
All active club members must attend Edinburg Road Chapel Sunday Worship at least two Sundays per month.
- Contact information:
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (609) 587-7375
- Address: Edinburg Road Chapel, C/O Riders for Christ – CMC, 380 Edinburg Rd, Hamilton, NJ 08619
In conclusion, here is the list of all of the Christian motorcycle clubs I shared with you in this post.
- Disciple Christian Motorcycle Club
- Christian Motorcyclists Association
- Bondslaves MC (Minneapolis MN Chapter, Minnesota, Terre Haute IN Chapter, Decatur II Chapter, Lawrence KS Chapter)
- Bikers for Christ (BFC)
- God’s Squad CMC
- Tribe of Judah Motorcycle Ministries
- Honor Bound Motorcycle Ministry
- Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry
- Soldiers for Jesus MC
- Least of Saints MC (Austin, Houston, Southside SA, Michigan, Dos Rios Chapter)
- Prodigals Redeemed MC
- Black Sheep HDFC
- Sons of God MC
- Christ’s Disciples MC
- Ascendants MC
- Racers Under the Son Motorcycle Club
- Heaven’s Saints Motorcycle Ministry
- Last Disciples Motorcycle Club
- Road Riders for Jesus Motorcycle Ministry
- Temple Riders Association
- Riders for Christ CMC
Looking for help and brotherhood, this spring and summer,2023, as I ride in search of my soul. I have been a Christian, most all my life, but have struggled, with depression, since the loss of my daughter in 2001.
I am 68 years old, and just deeply saddened. Looking for safe Christain brothers and sisters, to help me have safe places to sleep as I ride to find the happiness, I ounce had. God Bless you all, sincerely.
Hi Gregory!
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I pray that the Lord will help you find peace and solace as you ride this year.
Do you want to reach out to any of the clubs that are in your area? I have the Facebook pages and other contact points listed for most.
Additionally, Gregory, would you consider getting help with Depression?
I am just thinking about how else I could help.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I am truly sorry for the loss of your precious daughter and cannot imagine the pain of loss you have been through. Only God can give you the strength and peace that will make it possible to feel better. My husband and I are members of a motorcycle ministry and love all that God has taught us through it.
My daughter was paralyzed, in a car crash, several years ago. And,, I just lost my wife to cancer about a month ago. I have since taken up biking again to keep myself going. I haven’t ridden since 2008. But, I really remember the calming effect that riding had on me, back then.
Anyway, I don’t know how far away you are. But, I’m in Salmon, Idaho and have plenty of room, if you ever come close to this location your more than welcome to stop, rest, fellowship, and regroup. I’m a bit older (77). But, still active and love to talk Jesus and bikes.
You can call me at 208 303-7561